projects 2021 Covid19

2023 - Social RE Action
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Since at DTM we don’t prioritize one cause over another, and every year we choose four of them. We dedicated a period of three months to share knowledge about each one, highlighting the specific circumstances in which the people who suffer it coexist, and we culminated it with a one-night event that takes place throughout the territory.


For this one-night event, a group of participating restaurants and businesses donate 25% of their night’s proceeds to the previously selected local project which represents the Cause.

Every quarter and every dinner is dedicated to a different cause. Direct donation and the local character of all the projects we support support transparency and commitment.


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In recognition of Manel Pousa Fundació Pare Manel

Dinners That Matter partners with the Pare Manel Foundation to contribute to help in the whole legacy that has been impregnating in the organization he has presided. Manel Pousa has received the City Gold Medal for Civic Merit. 

08 Sep 2021
SARS-coV2 coronavirus research "Fundació La Marató TV3"

This year’s La Marató de TV3 edition will take place on Sunday, December 20, and will seek to pool resources to advance SARS-coV2 coronavirus research.

31 Mar 2021
Eating may not be just eating Fundació NENDÉU

Every day, at our Special Education School, 114 children with associated intellectual and physical disabilities have to eat. Most of them have serious difficulties in performing the basic function of feeding.

08 Oct 2020

This quarter we are collaborating with those who have always helped us and who have now had to close: the restaurateurs of Barcelona. At the same time, we will help highlight the stories of people who have overcome cancer. Join us!

16 Jul 2020
Soup kitchen program Fundació ALPAN - Rotary Distrito 2020

The ALPAN (Food for the Needy) project is an initiative for the preparation of meals, as well as transportation and distribution to soup kitchens, which welcome those in need or at risk of social exclusion.
This project currently distributes more than 450 meals and raw materials daily to 7 soup kitchens in Barcelona

05 Mar 2020
Count on me Fundació Enriqueta Villavecchia

All the benefits that we obtain through the action with the Dinners That Matter Association will be used to support the “Count on me: support team in pediatric palliative care” project carried out by the Enriqueta Villavecchia Foundation

12 Dec 2019
Support our elderly with Alzheimer Fundació Alzheimer Catalunya

Dinners That Matter and the Fundación Alzheimer Catalunya are collaborating to improve the quality of life of those affected by Alzheimer’s.

19 Sep 2019
We all need to be able to eat Fundació NENDÉU

The majority of our students encounter great difficulties to accomplish the basic function of alimentation. For this reason, there is the need, every day of the school year, for specialized monitors to help them cut, and to swallow …and in doing so, motivate them to achieve this function in the most autonomous way possible for each individual.

06 Jun 2019
Soup kitchen program Fundació ALPAN - Rotary Distrito 2020

The ALPAN Soup Kitchen Project project is an initiative for the preparation of meals, as well as transportation and distribution to soup kitchens, which welcome those in need or at risk of social exclusion.

07 Mar 2019
support on Christmas Dinner Fundació Alzheimer Catalunya

Let’s go out for dinner and ensure that our elderly are fed this Christmas. The collaborating restaurants will donate 25% of the evening’s takings directly to a program that helps the elderly and those with dementia without means

12 Dec 2018
Female joint health program Fundació OAFI

OAFI WOMAN is an educational program to empower women in the management of osteoarthritis using non-pharmacological measures. Highlights include a healthy anti-inflammatory diet, how to combat pain with a balanced diet, knowledge of anti-inflammatory foods and weight loss.

04 Oct 2018
support for the new nursery Fundació catalana Síndrome Down

Dinners That Matter and the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation are collaborating with the goal of highlight a little-known reality. One that on occasions breaks from pre-established perceptions on the reality of people with Down Syndrome (or another intellectual disability) and their families.

14 Jun 2018
Soup kitchen program Fundació ALPAN - Rotary Distrito 2020

The ALPAN Soup Kitchen project is an initiative for the preparation of meals, as well as transportation and distribution to soup kitchens, which welcome those in need or at risk of social exclusion.

15 Mar 2018
Christmas dinner support Fundació Alzheimer Catalunya

Dinners That Matter and the Fundación Alzheimer Catalunya are collaborating to improve the quality of life of those affected by Alzheimer’s.

13 Dec 2017
support to children with autism Fundació Aprenem - Fundació Mas Casadevall

Aprenem and Dinners That Matter are joining forces to raise awareness about the realities of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a little-known condition.

28 Sep 2017
Cancer patients support Fundació DKMS

Dinners That Matter and DKMS Foundation have joined forces to cooperate in the fight against cancer on an ongoing basis. DKMS Foundation has therefore implemented a Patients’ Aid Project in several public hospitals in Barcelona.

08 Jun 2017
PSoup kitchen project Fundació ALPAN - Rotary Distrito 2020

The ALPAN Soup Kitchen Project is an initiative for the preparation of meals, as well as transportation and distribution to soup kitchens, which welcome those in need or at risk of social exclusion.

02 Mar 2017
Youth and volunteers Fundació Soñar Despierto - Fundació ASTE

Soñar despierto llevan 15 años trabajando para la integración social de niños y adolescentes tutelados por la administración a través de dos líneas de trabajo muy personalizadas: el refuerzo escolar y el ocio.

01 Dec 2016
Child Cancer Fundació Small

The Small Foundation works towards the betterment of medical treatment for children with cancer and of the quality of hospital stays of the children and of their families.

06 Oct 2016
Youth social action and education Fundació Pare Manel

Pare Manel Foundation is a nonprofit institution rooted in the Barcelona Verdum-Roquetes neighborhoods, which develops and leads educational and social projects.

09 Jun 2016
Dependency Fundació Aspasim

ASPASIM Foundation has been taking great care of youth with severe mental, physical and sensory disabilities for over 75 years, and providing them with an education. 

10 Mar 2016
Biomedical research "Fundació La Marató TV3"

The 24th edition of La Marató de TV3 is dedicated to diabetes and obesity, the most common metabolic diseases in Catalonia.

10 Dec 2015
The elderly and infants Fundació Amics de la Gent Gran

Amics de la Gent Gran is a volunteer organization working to improve the quality of life of older people.

08 Oct 2015
Hunger and social exclusion El Chiringuito de Dios - Fundació Escó

At the “Chiringuito de Dios” we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, there is room shower service and personal care, laundry and closet with clothing. 

Fundació ESCO offers breakfast, lunch and snacks for 200 children each summer.

11 Jun 2015
Children cancer Fundació Enriqueta Villavecchia

The Enriqueta Villaceccia Children’s Oncology Foundation has dedicated the last 25 years to supporting children with cancer and their families. 

12 Mar 2015
Herat diseases "Fundació La Marató TV3"

La Marató de TV3 is an annual televised event promoted by Televisió de Catalunya and La Marató de TV3 Foundation which seeks to raise funds for scientific research on diseases that, to the present day have no cure.

11 Dec 2014
Childrens cancer Hospital de dia Sant Joan de Déu

Hospital Sant Joan de Déu is a state leading institution in the treatment of child cancer.

02 Oct 2014
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