SARS-coV2 coronavirus research
"Fundació La Marató TV3"
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SARS-coV2 coronavirus research
"Fundació La Marató TV3"

The 29th edition of the Marató de TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio will finally be dedicated to Covid-19. Although it was announced last February that it would focus on mental health, the outbreak of the SARS-coV2 coronavirus that affects Catalonia and the priority of urgent research in this scientific field worldwide, has led the Board of Trustees of the Foundation The TV3 Marathon to make this exceptional decision.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the media of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation have dedicated much of their grid to the information and social awareness of this disease.

Faced with the need to know more about this coronavirus and advance research to improve the quality of life of people affected by this disease, the TV3 Marathon Foundation will focus all its efforts, from today until December 20, to social awareness and fundraising, possible, as every year, thanks to collective solidarity action