Eating may not be just eating
Fundació NENDÉU
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Eating may not be just eating
Fundació NENDÉU

Every day, at our Special Education School, 114 children with associated intellectual and physical disabilities have to eat. Most of them have serious difficulties in performing the basic function of feeding.


For them, eating is not just eating: It is improving their autonomy, progressing in their way of communicating their needs and preferences, learning personal hygiene habits and taking into account their environment, in addition to learning the operations of cutting, puncturing, chew and swallow, each according to their abilities.


For all these processes to be possible, we need to offer these children the necessary assistance with monitors specifically prepared for this task.


“Dinners That Matter” is not just eating, it is giving your support to achieve this learning for the 114 children who eat at our school.

Participate and collaborate with the Fundació Nen Déu.

About the Nen Déu Foundation

We are a social entity that has been working in Barcelona since 1892.

We offer education, assistance and specialized attention to people with intellectual disabilities from 3 years of age and throughout their life cycle.

We work every day so that 240 people achieve their highest possible level of autonomy.

The Fundació has four specialized Centers for people with disabilities:

Specialized Care Day Center
School of Special Education
Occupational Workshop


And a Medical Center open to the public.