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Dinners That Matter

Our radio premiere

Last Friday we were in the Masterson Productions studio recording our first radio spot that will be broadcast over the next few days on RAC1 and RAC105. We cannot be happier!

This adventure has been possible thanks to Yolanda, Rosa Guillén, Jordi and Irene from El mundo al revés. From here we reiterate our thanks to all of them and of course to RAC for spreading our solidarity initiative for free.

03 Oct 2016
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Collaboration agreement with the Barcelona restaurant Association


We are pleased to announce that we have signed a collaboration agreement with the Barcelona Restaurant Association, and that they will publicize the Dinners That Matter initiative to their members.

We would like to thank the Association for their participation and support in adding and finding partners who share the same social awareness and with together we can collaborate to improve the many lives of those that need us in our city.

01 Dec 2016
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Inauguration of our new video channel!

The Dinners That Matter team are very excited to announce the launch of our new video channel! We’ll be keeping you up-to-date on all things DTM as well as news and interviews.

Our first video gives you an insight into what we do and why we do it, a word from some of our supporters, as well as a look at one of the collaborating restaurants at our first Dinner of 2017. Here we raised €4,024.26 in support of Project ALPAN, an initiative that distributes more than 300 meals and raw materials daily to 8 soup kitchens in Barcelona.

We will be updating our video channel with new material so please subscribe here and let us know what you think and if you have a story that might interest us please do get in touch!

And don’t forget to Save the Date for the next dinner on 8 June 2017 supporting those battling Cancer!

19 Mar 2017
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More than just a number

When you mention a ‘non-profit’ event, the first thing everyone asks is: “How much did you raise?” While raising funds is an important part of what we do at Dinners That Matter, being a ‘non-profit’ is about so much more than just a number.

Knowledge is power, and with power comes the ability to make a difference in someone’s life. So our true goal is to help give local causes a voice and get their message to as many as people as possible.

We are raising awareness about those in our communities who suffer in silence, and who live unimaginable journeys yet do so with unwavering strength and courage.

We are supporting those foundations that are working tirelessly to ease the suffering of those in need.

We are collaborating with restaurants and businesses to be able to raise funds with our quarterly dinners, and in doing so build a network that proves ongoing support to those in need in our city.

We are all working together to make sure that those in need in our communities do not go unheard.

This is what Dinners That Matter and our collaborating restaurants are truly about.

19 Jul 2017
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Charity Dinner organised by the Associations of the Chinese Communities of Catalonia

On 20 February 2018, Dinners That Matter was honoured to be invited to celebrate the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Dog – at a Charity Dinner organised by the Associations of the Chinese Communities of Catalonia, led by President Lam Chuen Ping, owner of the restaurant Memorias de China.

The Chinese Community in Barcelona joined their Catalan friends for a Spring Festival at the Hotel Arts, including music, dancing and showing their support to three solidarity organisations.

This traditional charitable dinner, now in its seventh year, has become a social, political and business event celebrating the great friendship and collaborations between the Chinese and Catalan cultures.

We are honoured to be one of three organisations recognised for their work in support of local causes in our city alongside the Sifu Foundation and the Rotary Club of Barcelona.

The team at DTM would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts Mr Lam Chuen Ping for his collaboration with Dinners That Matter and his continued support over the years.

06 Mar 2018
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Behind the scenes at DTM

We are collaborating with our chosen Foundations to ensure that their work and mission reach as many as people as possible. We cannot stress enough how important it is to us to give local causes a voice.

These Foundations work tirelessly to help those in need, and while the funds we raise are important, the true goal behind DTM is to engage the community and create long-term support for these causes.

We are also working with current and new restaurants and businesses to be able to grow, both as DTM and as a network that provides ongoing support to our chosen causes.

And finally we are looking to 2019 and beyond, we have so many ideas and plans but we need your help to make them happen. Help us spread the message, rally your families, friends and colleagues, and let’s get as many people as we can out to dinner on 14 June 2018!

The DTM Team

16 Apr 2018
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Cooperation. One word that can change so much!

It is at the very heart of DTM, because without the collaboration of so many people, none of what we do would be possible.

We’ve talked about the work that goes on behind the scenes at DTM: from the Foundations that work non-stop to the restaurants that so generously donate 25% of the evening’s takings.

Today we want to talk about YOU. Whether an individual or a business, your collaboration is what takes us across the finishing line, helping fund local social projects, raising awareness and ongoing support for those in need in our communities.

Your collaboration comes in two forms:

Support at quarterly dinners. As an individual by getting as many friends, family and colleagues together to go out for dinner, and getting them to spread the word to their friends, families and colleagues! As a business by gathering friends and clients together at one of our collaborating restaurants and using this as an opportunity to network, fulfil your corporate social responsibility, while at the same time giving back to the community!

Raising awareness. Spread the word about DTM and its mission, share information on our quarterly dinners and causes, and follow and interact with us all on Social Media! And if you know of any business or restaurant that would be a perfect fit for DTM, please do let us know!

These are all the reasons why we need YOUR collaboration and how important you are in making the DTM mission truly come to life!

From the DTM, THANK YOU for believing in us, and look forward to seeing you at our 14 June 2018 dinner!

22 May 2018
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Appreciation and next project

Thanks to all those who collaborated and came out in support of the Fundació Catalana Sindrome de Down (Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation) at our last dinner.


We are delighted that this past quarter’s message has led to a better understanding of day-to- day realities of those with Down Syndrome and how we can better support them.


Summer is here, and we want to enjoy it!


At DTM we continue working on our mission to highlight causes that are close to home and create a positive network of people and businesses that believe in innovation, entrepreneurship, progress and solidarity.


If you want to be part of this, do contact us at


Now we face a new challenge:
Highlighting the fight against osteoarthritis.

16 Jul 2018
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Official Certificate of Public Utility Entity

Muchos ya sabréis sobre esta noticia por nuestras redes sociales, pero no podemos evitar querer publicarla también en nuestro blog.


¡Tras tres años de duro y gratificante trabajo, acabamos de recibir el Certificado de Entidad de Utilidad Pública! Un paso muy importante para Dinners That Matter que ha sido posible conseguir gracias a la perseverancia, el esfuerzo de todos los involucrados durante este periodo, los restauradores implicados y vosotros que nos habéis acompañado, apoyando y conociendo más de tantas personas que viven realidades a veces muy cercanas a la nuestra.


¡Ahora mismo, hemos logrado otro gran objetivo y lo que nos toca es seguir adelante! ¿Ya recibes nuestra newsletter? ¿Estás en nuestras redes sociales?


Encontraréis la próxima causa, uno de los proyectos que tienen y la fundación con la que colaboraremos, para que todos aprendamos más de cómo se convive y lo que se hace para mejorar la calidad de vida de estas personas.

29 Oct 2019
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