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More than just a number

When you mention a ‘non-profit’ event, the first thing everyone asks is: “How much did you raise?” While raising funds is an important part of what we do at Dinners That Matter, being a ‘non-profit’ is about so much more than just a number.

Knowledge is power, and with power comes the ability to make a difference in someone’s life. So our true goal is to help give local causes a voice and get their message to as many as people as possible.

We are raising awareness about those in our communities who suffer in silence, and who live unimaginable journeys yet do so with unwavering strength and courage.

We are supporting those foundations that are working tirelessly to ease the suffering of those in need.

We are collaborating with restaurants and businesses to be able to raise funds with our quarterly dinners, and in doing so build a network that proves ongoing support to those in need in our city.

We are all working together to make sure that those in need in our communities do not go unheard.

This is what Dinners That Matter and our collaborating restaurants are truly about.

19 Jul 2017
