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At Dinners That Matter we innovate to make a better world, especially for people who goes through difficult moments. We create a community of companies, collaborators and associations to support different social projects.

And we do this by fostering community!


To achieve this and since at DTM we do not prioritize one Cause over another, each year we choose four different ones, one for each quarter, and we organize an awareness campaign and a series of events that culminate in a charity dinner in which restaurants and companies make a generous donation.


Blog Dinners That Matter

A girl among twenty million"

Watch the interview


These days of Sant Jordi we have been able to acquire the book "A girl among twenty million", which describes the case of Esther Martínez and Cédric Peraut’s daughter. Alexandra, who suffers from progeria. That's why we wanted to talk to Esther, who explain us what this disease is, how this book has been written, and how we can support it! Thanks!


On this website, you can also buy it, if you feel like collaborating


Dinners That Matter want to support it and continue spreading causes like Progeria.

24 Apr 2021
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2021 one step more forward...and we will continue

Dear friends,


After the activities last December at the Real Cercle Artístic de Barcelona, at La Cuina de la Boquería and at the Business Club23 which were a success of participation, and which were very well received by all attendees, we can only congratulate ourselves for being able, despite the pandemic, having done some in person activities. Happily, this event, above all, supported a worthwhile charity - In this case, La Marató de TV3.


We have dedicated this January to reflect upon what we have learned while implementing these lessons to pursue new actions for 2021. We are here and reaching out to share our thoughts with you. In times of so much uncertainty, how the economic recovery may occur, when we will stop limiting ourselves to hug, when the vaccine will arrive for everyone, or when the restaurants will reopen, we have thought that, above all, and right now all we need to create a healthy flexibility for the love of life.


Adapting, and maintaining resilience, must also be one of the tools of organizations, associations and civil entities, to reformulate activities and proposals, as the engine of innovation, and must also come accompanied with the same flexibility by municipal organizations, corporations, public institutions and companies.


Dinners That Matter was born with three main goals. Yes, to relate, to be around a table, with friends, acquaintances, co-workers, family ... Meeting us to make it possible to share a table, to debate, to take a break from our daily lives. Also, to support restaurants, get to know the gastronomy, eat well, enjoy good food, get to know unique spaces in the city, and finally, but also nuclear for the project, to support a social cause, while enjoying all of the above...Help, make a team, add, contribute a grain of sand, know the work of social entities, whether in the fields of health or care.


Those things are precisely what have entered into a crisis during this past 2020 and we miss the most. They have not allowed us to relate, the masks have appeared, we have not been able to hug or touch. They have hardly let us go to restaurants, one of the sectors most affected by the social and economic crisis. And all those illnesses, personal situations, social actions with which we have been collaborating, have been overshadowed by the Covid19 and the pandemic. Everything that represented the Dinners That Matter has been almost banished.


And we have come to realize that what Dinners was proposing is what we are missing the most. It has become so apparent how important a hug in particular times is, with someone we haven't seen for a few days/months, just before a good, shared dinner. The importance of entities and groups that help those who suffer and those in need has been brought even closer into our viewpoint.


And how, all this will be important tomorrow, when everything comes back. Tomorrow ... we don't know when it will be. But we are sure it will be soon.


And we will wait for you. In the meantime, help us define the actions of Dinners That Matter. We already have some thoughts, which we will start sharing with you from next month. Let’s be ready!



DTM Team

30 Jan 2021
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Dinners That Matter and Club 23 ally. The first act, for La Marató de TV3 Foundation

We offer you the interview that Albert Torras did to Òscar Alias, Club 23 President. to learn more about their proposal.



If there is one binomial that works it is culture and solidarity, and in culture we include gastronomy, one of the core aspects of Dinners That Matter: Lunch, with friends, in company, and supporting restaurateurs while looking for resources and supports for entities with solidary programs. For this reason, Dinners that Matter signs a collaboration agreement with Club 23, a private entity on the Rambla de Catalunya that becomes the new meeting point in the city for those interested in culture and finances.


This Saturday, Xavier Xargay and Chema Chaqués, from the Dinners that Matter team, took part in a Christmas lunch at the organization, in which they shared some time with the Club 23 President, Òscar Alias, who explained the new collaboration with Dinners to the members.

Although the alliance of the entities was confirmed a few days ago, this Saturday 19, a first private event was held, in which a good amount of money was raised which will be ddonated to La Marató de TV3, this Friday. December 20, and dedicated to the fight and research against Covid-19.


Both Club 23 and Dinners That Matter, have had a difficult year, like most organizations, in which most activities have had to be reinvented due to this pandemic. And this year, La Marató affects us all. This amount will be donated in the coming days at the La Marató de TV3 Foundation, after the count.

20 Dec 2020
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Let's participate with La Marató de TV3 foundation!

Today the traditional La Marató cd goes on sale. Let's collaborate with our possibilities, because helping research against coronavirus is essential. From we are very happy preparing three activities that we will happen this December in favor of culture and La Marató de TV3 foundation, with La Cuina de la Boquería, the Wax Museum and the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona.

Registration and more information on the website

29 Nov 2020
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Stand Up Against Homelessness with Them!"

At we are proud to participate in the 2021 Homeless solidarity calendar
“Stand Up Against Homelessness with Them!” a solidarity calendar that includes homeless people in their Homeless Entrepreneur HELP program and people with homes who support them. It is time that we fight the homeless by adding to their cause of working and being active citizens.

In addition to offer them support, we must empower them with tools that allow them to fulfill themselves personally and professionally. We erase the differences and highlight who they really are: people like you and me.


Take on homelessness with them and buy this solidarity calendar to fund their HELP program and end their homelessness thanks to work and active citizenship!


In this link you can already reserve yours!

22 Oct 2020
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Who remembers them? supports causes, entities and projects that help people. Cancer, disabilities, homelessness, poverty, various diseases, exclusion ...

Support for those who suffer is essential, and must be done, decisively —with the entities and people who know about their stories, and therefore care and dedicate themselves to work on improving the living and health conditions of them, and also make them more visibile in the eyes of public so that they are not lost


But, what about the people who is here to help and take care of those in need?
Who remembers them, who wonders what they think and feel? Who gives a thought to their situation?
The situation of all those caregivers, workers, relatives, wives, parents and children of the people who has suffered?


Luckily, society is becoming more and more aware of the commendable work of carers, of the work - often unrecognized - of those who are by their side, of those who act as canes, of those who push the wheelchair, of those who see it for them, of those who speak for them.


From we want to have a memory, a recognition, a round of applause and a hug. Many of them you know. Let’s help those who help.

18 Sep 2020
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Salvador Pàmies, Fundació Nen Déu interview

Interview here! 


A few days ago, we did an interview with the Nen Déu Foundation Director, Salvador Pàmies, and one of its monitors. We were able to talk about the work that the Foundation carries out with the children who have different capacities, how they work, the challenges they face, and how these last difficult months of confinement have been.

Their professional work is full of generosity that needs to be heard and appreciated.
It is very evident these entities are not only helping to lead a normal life for those who are in need, but also contributing and changing their visualization.
We are a diverse society!

09 Oct 2020
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