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Dinners That Matter and Club 23 ally. The first act, for La Marató de TV3 Foundation

We offer you the interview that Albert Torras did to Òscar Alias, Club 23 President. to learn more about their proposal.



If there is one binomial that works it is culture and solidarity, and in culture we include gastronomy, one of the core aspects of Dinners That Matter: Lunch, with friends, in company, and supporting restaurateurs while looking for resources and supports for entities with solidary programs. For this reason, Dinners that Matter signs a collaboration agreement with Club 23, a private entity on the Rambla de Catalunya that becomes the new meeting point in the city for those interested in culture and finances.


This Saturday, Xavier Xargay and Chema Chaqués, from the Dinners that Matter team, took part in a Christmas lunch at the organization, in which they shared some time with the Club 23 President, Òscar Alias, who explained the new collaboration with Dinners to the members.

Although the alliance of the entities was confirmed a few days ago, this Saturday 19, a first private event was held, in which a good amount of money was raised which will be ddonated to La Marató de TV3, this Friday. December 20, and dedicated to the fight and research against Covid-19.


Both Club 23 and Dinners That Matter, have had a difficult year, like most organizations, in which most activities have had to be reinvented due to this pandemic. And this year, La Marató affects us all. This amount will be donated in the coming days at the La Marató de TV3 Foundation, after the count.

20 Dec 2020
